Streamline Workflows, Unlock Efficiency,

and Empower Digital Transformation with

Intelligent Document Processing Automation Services

Streamline workflows, unlock efficiency, and empower digital transformation with intelligent document processing automation services.

Document processing automation is a powerful way to streamline and automate the handling and management of various documents, including structured documents (invoices, purchase orders, delivery orders, tax documents, etc.), and unstructured documents (contracts, statement of work, letters, etc.).
It facilitates digitisation by converting paper documents into digital files, and then takes things further with digitalisation by automating tasks such as extracting data, routing documents for approval workflows, archiving and organising files in a structured manner, and ensuring compliance with regulations.
What makes our service unique is that we close the loop; once digitalised, we help you along your Business Intelligence journey by collating this historic data and integrating it with Power BI for actionable insights.

Streamline workflows, unlock efficiency, and empower digital transformation with intelligent document processing automation services.

Document processing automation is a powerful way to streamline and automate the handling and management of various documents, including structured documents (invoices, purchase orders, delivery orders, tax documents, etc.), and unstructured documents (contracts, statement of work, letters, etc.).

It facilitates digitisation by converting paper documents into digital files, and then takes things further with digitalisation by automating tasks such as extracting data, routing documents for approval workflows, archiving and organising files in a structured manner, and ensuring compliance with regulations.

What makes our service unique is that we close the loop; once digitalised, we help you along your Business Intelligence journey by collating this historic data and integrating it with Power BI for actionable insights.

How it Works

Data Capture

Document Capture

Documents are received from various sources, such as email, scanned files, web forms, APIs.

✔ Power Automate manages documents received in emails with delivery notes.

Document Type Identification

An AI model sorts the document types, sending each document to the appropriated folder. This triggers a new process which uses a document-specific model to process all information required from it.

✔ Machine Learning (ML) Classification Models classify documents based on content.

✔ Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques analyse text for classification.

Document Type Identification
Data Extraction

Data Extraction

Relevant data is extracted from the captured documents.

✔ Optical Character Recognition (OCR) extracts text from documents.

✔ NLP techniques interpret unstructured text.

✔ ML algorithms recognise patterns and extract specific data fields accurately.

Data Validation and Verification

Validation rules can be based on business requirements, regulatory standards, or data quality guidelines and involves verifying that the extracted data conforms to expected formats, ranges, or patterns.

✔ Can involve human review for data accuracy.

✔ Validation algorithms verify extracted data against predefined criteria.

✔ ML models detect anomalies or inconsistencies in the data.

Data Validation and Verification
Document Routing

Document Routing

Routing processed documents to the appropriate destination, such as storage or approval workflows.

✔ Workflow automation tools manage document flow.

Power BI Reports

Once digitalised, we collate your historic data and integrate it with Power BI for actionable insights.

Benefits of Document Processing Automation


Access all your historical records from any device, without sifting through filing cabinets.


No manual repetitive data entry tasks required; extract critical information swiftly.


Advanced technologies extract, classify, and analyse data from documents, reducing costly human error.


Once digitised, your data becomes a goldmine, revealing trends, patterns, and actionable insights in Power BI reports.

Ready for transformative document processing automation services?

Let us help you extract critical information from your historic data for actionable insights and data-driven decision-making.

Ready for transformative document processing automation services?

Let us help you extract critical information from your historic data for actionable insights and data-driven decision-making.
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